
What Should You Expect From Class?

I believe that variety is essential for a supportive, sustainable practice. Exploring new movements and methods allows each of us to build new perspectives on our practice, the world around us, and ourselves.

I bring that approach of variety, open-mindedness, exploration, and play into my classes.

For flow yoga classes, expect to move your body and focus on your breath. Each class is a well-rounded offering with a consistent structure: we begin with time in stillness to settle in, then shift into a paced, steady exploration of yoga shapes (asanas). In this portion of class we’ll practice range of motion and strength, incorporating both modern movement techniques and traditional yoga postures. In the final moments of class, we’ll return to stillness to pause, cultivate calm, and rest.

For restorative yoga classes, the primary focus is facilitating rest and self-observation. We use props like bolsters, blankets, and blocks to support the body in comfortable shapes, and then invite ourselves to be still.

To be a teacher is also to be a lifelong student. As I evolve and learn from my own practice, I adjust my methods to share what I’ve gleaned with students. I welcome feedback and new ideas to build the most practical and supportive practice for myself and my students.

As my teaching style evolves, one thing remains constant: the comfort, consent, and agency of my students comes first.